Mount Baker


I don't have a whole lot to say about Mount Baker because I haven't spent much time skiing it. I climbed the Coleman/Deming route when I was a kid but I haven't been motivated to ski it. All I remember are great views from the summit and a couple people glissading into a crevasse down low. Since then I've had a chance to look at it from all sides and I've talked with several people who have skied it. Here are a few thoughts.

The approaches for the standard routes seem way too short. There are some spectacular glaciers but many of them are heavily crevassed. There are a couple faces on the upper mountain that need to be skied. I'll definitely be there on a good snow year. Until then, I'd like to see the snowmobiles banned.

I recently skied from the summit via the Coleman/Deming route. It's an excellent ski for August and looks like it would be even better year round.



 Coleman Headwall


 Park Glacier Headwall

 Roosevelt Headwall



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