We followed our climbing route back across the glacier. There were a few crevasse jumps that we couldn't resist and several that gave us no choice.
Me jumping a crevasse on the middle glacier.
Jason over a small crevasse. The big one is right below him. Either way he must have thought it was over because he came a little too close to the second.
Speed is hard to come by on a flat glacier. Josh manages to find some here.
Josh carving the lower glacier in style.
Josh taking a shortcut.
Climbing up the 1000 vertical feet of scree made me question whether I'd do this route again. We made it back to camp around 7pm and the answer became clear.
Wishing for seconds.
A good night's rest gave us plenty of time to think and dream about next year's ski. Perhaps they might open the road on schedule. Perhaps we could ski from the top. Regardless, this year's trip was well worth the effort. We skied a new line on a spectacular face. If someone has the skills and desire to finish it before us then so be it. If not, better luck next time.
We climbed Observation Rock on our way down. The ski down the Flett Glacier proved to be an exciting experience. Skiing 50 degree snow in shorts with a heavy pack added to the highlights of our trip. We came across many hikers on our way down. Comments ranged from " " to "is there skiing up there?" I preferred the nothing.
Jason and Josh on top of Observation Peak.
A large icefall swept the upper glacier sometime during the second night. We skied directly in its path the previous day. It ends where the blue arrow points. Not a good place to be on a warm day.
Josh dropping onto the Fleet Glacier. If it looks heavy it was. If it doesn't it was. Same goes for the steepness.
The parking lot was full of cars in and beyond. Josh and I fetched our bikes out of the bushes and he rode down 5 miles to shuttle the Sport Truck. Jason and I waited. On the way home we figured out a way to beat the heat next year. We agreed to keep it a secret.
Josh remembering the pain.